
Corporate Statement

BFP is committed to conducting all of its business activities in an environmentally responsible way and strictly complies with all applicable statutory environmental laws and regulations, as well as Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) environmental principles.

At BFP, we feel very privileged to live and work in some of the most unique and beautiful landscapes Western Australia has to offer, and we are committed to protecting these natural resources for the enjoyment of all for generations to come.

Large scale hardwood plantations such as those managed by BFP reduce carbon, contribute to the protection of old-growth native forests, and assist in addressing major degradation problems including salinity and erosion which have been caused by historic over-clearing of native vegetation. They also play a significant role in restoring the health of river catchments.

BFP, and the broader plantation industry has a long-term commitment to sustainability. Plantation-grown timber is a renewable resource and its products, such as the paper produced from the trees, are able to be recycled.

BFP Business Policy Statement

Our Mission

BFP is committed to conducting its activities in an environmentally friendly manner while concurrently providing high quality plantation management.

BFP Mission and Values Statement


BFP will maintain a positive reputation as a leader in plantation establishment and management.

Plantation Management Unit

The Plantation Management Unit is comprised of a team of professional foresters who are responsible for all aspects of plantation establishment and management, from the acquisition of genetically improved seed stock through to tending the plantation in preparation for harvest. The unit is also responsible for landowner relations and community liaison.